Tips For Beginning Band Parents
New Band Parents, welcome! As your student enters into the world of band, they may have questions, and you may have the same ones. We've prepared a collection of tips that can help you along your student's musical journey.
wind Instrument Tips
Reeds: Not sure what brand or strength of reed to buy for your beginning band student? Check out our video and learn more about the reed that's right for your student.
Protecting your Reeds: How can I get the most from my reed?
Oiling Valves: We always get a lot of questions from new students and beginning band parents on how to oil their trumpet valves. Well, now we have a video for you! Check out the video for a demonstration. The importance of oiling trumpet valves is two-fold.
More Tip Videos:
Why a Music Stand: Hi New Band Parents! Welcome to band life! Some of you may be reviewing your student's requirements and wondering if they really NEED a music stand. Music stands are a huge benefit for practicing students. Watch the video and learn why!