Make Music Day 2018

Drum Circle Wrap Up!


Make Music Day 2018 was a blast! Thank you to all who joined in our drum circle! We are grateful for the opportunity to play music with you all, and we're happy to have hosted this event on this amazing day of music making.

"In 1982, France’s Ministry of Culture dreamed up an idea for a new kind of musical holiday. They imagined a day where free, live music would be everywhere: street corners and parks, rooftops and gardens, store fronts and mountaintops.

And, unlike a typical music festival, anyone and everyone would be invited to join and play music, or host performances. The event would take place on the summer solstice, June 21, and would be called Fête De La Musique. (In French, the name means both “festival of music” and “make music!”)" - Make Music Day Website

Until next year!

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